Friday, July 30, 2010

Dear Old Grandfather- Retouching & Handcoloring

The purpose of this assignment was to repair the photo and colorize it. Completing this assignment entailed editing the photo first by removing all creases, dust and scratches. The next step was to colorize it using the quick mask tool. The first step was to make another layer and duplicate it to create a before and after template. Next, using the stamp clone tool and healing brushes the crease was removed. Then, using the history brush tool the dust and scratches were removed. After the image was finally recovered from the folds and scratches, it was opened in a new document to start coloring. This assignment was huge on quick masking. All of the main body parts were quick masked such as the bridle, rope, and horse, and then colored. However, some selections conflicted with the main ones so they were subtracted through loading selections. Each layer was made in an adjustment layer which allowed the changing of the the hue and saturation. The product was a recovered picture with no creases and no dust or scratches and colorized. The only software used for this project was Adobe Photoshop. It was difficult because the stamp clone tool was hard to use but by the end of using the tool the picture really looked good. Also, the masking was a difficult because some areas were hard to color such as the rope area. In the end, this project challenging but it was great to test your abilities and skills of Adobe Photoshop.

Family Retouch

The purpose of this project was to familiarize ourselves with photo repair in Adobe Photoshop. By now we knew how to use the canvas size, so they layers were duplicated and formed a before and after template. Next, a heal layer is made and using the clone stamp tools and healing tools the tape is removed. Then, the dust and scratched were removed with the history brush tool. Lastly, the man's nose was gone; therefore, we copied another man's nose in the picture and placed it on his face. Adobe Photoshop is very hard to become skilled at, but this assignment helped a lot to build those skills. It was a difficult assignment to catch all the dust and scratches.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Photo Retouch- Flawless Skin

The purpose of this assignment was to show our skills of retouching a photo creating flawless skin. The whole project was done in Adobe Photoshop. This project required you to use this girl and use photoshop to remove the glare and add make-up. The most important step in Photoshop is to duplicate the original layer. In addition, it allows you to make a before and after image by adding pixels using the canvas size. Next, a healing brush was used to remove the glare on the forehead, cheeks, and nose. After, it was important to flatten your layers which basically is merging two layers together. Another tool we used was load selection, which gave the face a crisper look. Another thing we learned through this assignment was adjustment layers which allowed us to change the hue and saturation. The eyes and the lips were quick masked in order to change the colors of them. This assignment really tested our skills with the brushes used in Adobe Photoshop. The final product was a girl with beautiful flawless skin and some make-up to add color. The only difficulty was using the healing brush to remove the glare completely. However, I feel like the glare partially removed adds dimension to her face. Other than that, it was a great assignment to master Adobe Photoshop.

Travel Agency Ad using Quick Mask

The purpose of this assignment was to create an advertisement using the skills learned in the NextCo advertisement. This assignment was done in Adobe Photoshop as well. The process of opening the documents in Photoshop was the same. Next, the canvas size needed to be set up adding more sky and making the page 8.5" by 11". More sky space allowed room for the images to be masked. In order to mask, the most important tool is the gradient tool. The images I used to mask onto this beautiful scene of Greeec are common things done there. Therefore, this would be a successful advertisement for a travel agency. The final product is an advertisement and is functional. Adobe Photoshop is a great program to use because of the quick masking.

NextCo using Quick Mask

The purpose of this project was to use quick mask in Adobe Photoshop. In order to complete this assignment, the cell phone and the airplane needed to be quick masked on the city image. However, adding pixels was also part of the requirement by using the canvas size tool. First, the city was opened in Adobe Photoshop. Next, the airplane and the cell phone were dragged onto the city image. With the gradient tool, the airplane and the cell phone was masked allowing the images to blend into the sky. The final part of this assignment was to use level and embossing to create a shadow with the text. The final product is a traveling advertisement. Using the quick mask tool allowed myself to become more experienced with Adobe Photoshop.


The purpose of this assignment was to make a functional notepad yet personalized and creative. With the standard paper I used I made three notepads: two small, and one big one. I mostly used the Illustrator pre-made symbols to design each notepad. Each notepad had to be in black and white; therefore, the color mode was set in greyscale. The final product was made in Adobe Illustrator. After the cutting and padding, the last product was a notepad. The padding was somewhat difficult because of the large amount of paper used. The technique of applying glue every 15 minutes was very efficient. Once the padding was dried, the notebooks sat under pressure for a few ours to flatten any curves in the padding. Overall, it was a fun and easy assignment that demonstrated the skills needed for Adobe Illustrator.

Marbled Paper Book

The purpose of this assignment was to be able to follow an example of the booklet, which was a step by step process. First, paper was placed in water with colored, oil paints. A popsicle stick was used to make designs with the oil paint. Because it was oil paint it took a day or so to dry and then it was time to assemble the booklets. The inside is made of cardboard and was covered with the painted sheets using a special glue. Next, a stake of papers cut in the size of the rectangle shape was added to the booklet. A hole punching machine was used to make holes in a thick stack of paper. Finally, two screws were placed in the holes to bind the booklet together. The only difficult part of the project was the hole punching; however, I liked the creativity part of the assignment. The booklet is also functional as a notepad.