Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Photo Retouch- Flawless Skin

The purpose of this assignment was to show our skills of retouching a photo creating flawless skin. The whole project was done in Adobe Photoshop. This project required you to use this girl and use photoshop to remove the glare and add make-up. The most important step in Photoshop is to duplicate the original layer. In addition, it allows you to make a before and after image by adding pixels using the canvas size. Next, a healing brush was used to remove the glare on the forehead, cheeks, and nose. After, it was important to flatten your layers which basically is merging two layers together. Another tool we used was load selection, which gave the face a crisper look. Another thing we learned through this assignment was adjustment layers which allowed us to change the hue and saturation. The eyes and the lips were quick masked in order to change the colors of them. This assignment really tested our skills with the brushes used in Adobe Photoshop. The final product was a girl with beautiful flawless skin and some make-up to add color. The only difficulty was using the healing brush to remove the glare completely. However, I feel like the glare partially removed adds dimension to her face. Other than that, it was a great assignment to master Adobe Photoshop.

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