Friday, July 16, 2010

Black Square Project

The purpose of Black Square Project was to organize four black squares portraying the words playful, congestion, order, increase, tension, and bold. Also, another set of thumbnails were to be prepared using the definition of the word and portraying the meaning through its set up. First, the thumbnails with the black squares were prepared on Illustrator. Next, the booklet for the thumbnails was set up in InDesign. The final product was a book with graphic illustrations. Before the computer was used, thumbnails and roughs were produced. Then, the thumbnails were recreated on the computer through Illustrator. Then, the set up of the booklet was completed in the program InDesign. Finally, the booklet was printed out and cut to size. To finish it off, it was stitched together with a machine. InDesign was a great program to use because it was very organizational. This assignment taught me that using a measuring device is very important.

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